The Crossover Recovery Programme (CRP) supports adults who want help in recovering from their experiences of abuse.
Provided in a safe, neutral environment, this group programme takes individuals through a step by step process of understanding abuse and its effects. We do this by guiding participants through a process to help them identify behaviour and activities which have caused harm.
This enables participants to recognise specific areas within themselves which need healing, and pave the way for empowering, meaningful change and building a life of purpose.
The CRP is designed to bring clarity to chaotic situations by facilitating each person’s acknowledgment of what has happened to them and giving them tools to process the trauma, heal and establish a positive way forward.
This interactive programme gives individuals the opportunity to greater understanding of their experiences and the confidence to making positive decisions. This tried and tested approach opens the pathway to recovery and restoration – ‘Restoring broken paths and rebuilding the bridge to life’.
Group programmes are available for both women and men. For more information on joining a programme or to refer a participant, please Contact Us