Financial abuse
FINANCIAL ABUSE is a way of controlling a person’s ability to acquire, use and maintain their own money and resources. If you’re not sure you’re experiencing financial abuse, here are just some of the ways it happens:-
- the illegal or unauthorised use of your own property, possessions, money, pension book or other valuables
- being prevented from working, earning or accessing your own money or being made to work and forced to hand over earnings
- not being allowed to spend money without permission
- having to account for every penny that you spend
- being made to go without essentials, toiletries, sanitary products
- being made to put bill accounts, credit cards and loans in your name
- not having any say on how the finances are managed
The manipulation and control of finance causes dependency on the abuser. This is one of the primary reasons a victim does not leave their abuser. However, with fundamental needs unmet, a victim has greatly reduced access to security and safety within an abusive relationship. It is not just financial abuse that is happening here but emotional and psychological abuse too.
Resource: My Money My Life