School Work blog
We feel strongly about the safety of children and young people particularly in light of evidence that shows relationship abuse among young people is shockingly prevalent, and that includes on-line abuse. We want youngsters to be aware and educate them about the risks involved in abusive relationships. ‘What’s love got to do with it?’ ’ is an early intervention programme we offer to schools. This programme can be part of an assembly or classroom work, or can be offered during lunch times or as a drop-in session, where there is time for discussion and positive interaction with youngsters. We believe that bringing an awareness and understanding of abuse and talking with youngsters in schools about unhealthy relationships, using social media unwisely etc. is a very important step in steering our young people away from becoming caught up in abuse. We are so glad that we can go into schools and deliver these programmes and offer help and support to pupils. We know we’re making a difference when a pupil says “I now know abuse is not my fault“
“Working with The Crossing Point has helped us to address a very sensitive subject in a very caring, safe and positive way that encourages self-care and care of others and highlights how and where they can access help and support in a safe and confidential way. We find the free assemblies that the Crossing Point provide invaluable and would recommend them to any school thinking about tackling this very sensitive subject with their pupils.” Safeguarding Officer A. Martin, Holly Lodge Girls’ College
If you would like us to come to your school then please get in touch. or please call 07731878076