Donna’s Diary – Behind the mask

Hi everyone,

This month’s Donna’s Diary is a little different than usual as I have some news to share. Most of you will know that I am survivor of domestic abuse which continued for nearly 20 years. This led to me taking extreme actions to protect myself and my family, from the ongoing abuse which has impacted nearly every part of my life. At it’s extreme, domestic abuse has cost me a child, because of parental alienation, instigated by my ex-partner.

Donna Ward is a fictional character I created, so that I could stay safe. She is a character that I played, and in many ways, protected me when no one else could. She allowed me to speak out on behalf of myself on other domestic abuse victims, when we were unable to do so for ourselves.

I have made the difficult decision to retire Donna Ward, to the pages of my books. I am a survivor, ready to stand up against abuse, step into the light, speak up and speak out. I refuse to be silenced anymore!

For those of you wondering why it was necessary to hide in plain sight, I understand your query and would like to respond with a poem I wrote.

I am now an active Domestic Abuse Advocate, working for The Crossing Point Domestic Abuse Charity in Liverpool, providing hope, education and support to anyone affected by domestic abuse. I will continue to speak out against domestic and sexual violence against women through Donna Ward Books.

Donna’s Diary will continue to share survivor stories, providing a safe place for victims to share their stories, without fear of retribution. It will continue to shine a spotlight on issues faced by abuse survivors as well as encouragement, hope and self-care. If you have a story you would like to share, please email:

May you be encouraged and blessed

Dionne aka Donna